July 21, 2022 03:00 PM – Superior Telegram
SUPERIOR — The Superior Business Improvement District has new leadership.

Mayor Jim Paine, a member of the BID board, announced to the city council Tuesday, July 19, that Kelly Peterson of Superior will take on the role of executive director.
After 31 years with the Challenge Center, the director of residential services is planning to start in her new role Aug. 8.
Mitch Routh, chairman of the BID board, said Peterson’s experience with community organizations, work experience and vision for the business improvement district were all factors in her selection.
Peterson has served on the Douglas County Board since 2020.
Serving on the board of directors for the Development Association, Peterson said that really opened her eyes to the amazing things happening in Superior.
“A lot of it is happening up in that area of town, too,” Peterson said. “It’s something so different than what I’ve been doing, but not really. I advocate for people in my job.”
Peterson will translate that advocacy to support businesses in the 89-block area along Belknap Street and in the central business district that makes up the business improvement district.
“It sounded like a really good challenge, something different,” Peterson said.
Among her top priorities is getting to know business and properties owners to identify challenges and opportunities to improve the district.
The Superior Entrepreneur Center houses the Development Center, Small Business Development Center and Entrepreneur Fund, in addition to providing business incubation and coworking space.
This week, Peterson was among the local officials who visited businesses with the governor.
“I haven’t even started the job yet, but I don’t know any better (way) than to hit the ground running,” Peterson said.
Peterson will replace Lindsey Jacobson, who announced her resignation in April after nearly seven years with the BID.
“We had a lot of qualified candidates,” Routh said. “(Peterson) just kind of stuck out.”