Superior Entrepreneurs on Tap will meet next on February 12, at the Belknap Lounge, 6:30 PM. February guest
talkers are Tylor and Travis Elm from discoverpc.NET, discussing technology security for small and medium sized
businesses. Anyone interested in starting or growing a business, or just wanting to network with current and
aspiring entrepreneurs is welcome to join these free talks and networking events, although pre-registration is
kindly requested.
Small business owners and managers are often focused on operating their business and bringing their ideas to
market. However, these business owners and managers are often not a aware of the potential security risks and
threats that exist related to the businesses technology. Everyday small businesses inadvertently put financial
information, intellectual property, customer data, and other critical business data at risk. Tylor and Travus Elm
from discoverpc.NET will talk about a variety of information technology security threats, and how businesses can
proactively manage and minimize these threats.
For more information or to register, visit . Questions may be addressed to James Anderson with
UW-Extension, by calling (715) 395-1363